Friday, November 14, 2008

Response to Gabby Dollinger's "Stop Already"

We all realize that the world we live in has become sort of a fragile state. Wall Street displays this almost everyday losing or gaining hundreds of points. This is not a time to panic, this is a time where our leaders need to stand tall and put policy in place that makes sense.
In Gabby Dollinger's post, "Stop Already" she expresses that our country is in a troubled state and needs help. She claims that the election has stirred up racial tensions, possible assassination attempts, and increased hatred. The blog "Stop Already" seems like an emotional post, but I was not able to find a lot of info to back up the claims of tension, assassination attempts, and increased hatred. I do however believe that tough economical times can certainly take a toll on people.
Although there needs to be changes made I am not as alarmed as Gabby. Through out the history of our country we have prevailed and bounced back from tough economical times.
Whether the oil crisis in the 70's combined with the Vietnam war or the bubble bursting, 9/11 attacks, and corporate scandals in 2000/2001 this country is not new to recession.
A recession is defined as contraction phase of the business cycle or a period of reduced economic activity. Like I stated before recessions are not new to our country and have been around since the existence of civilized society. Since our nations birth we have experienced more than 10 recessions. By using all the weapons in our arsenal, like the bailouts, interest rate cuts, and new legislation we will prevail.
In Gabby's blog she had stated the war between the parties was tearing down the country. I think the candidates may have been tearing down each other, but I don't believe that they were tearing down the country. Each party has it own beliefs and agendas. I believe over the past 25 years the gap between Republicans and Democrats has lessened. Gabby stated she wanted someone who would get into office and help the people. I feel the same way. I don't care if they are white, black, republican, or democrat. They need to work for the good of the country and its people. I think that politics as a whole is realizing this and we are beginning to see less of the left or right.
It is important to view a situation in its entirety. We can use lessons of the past to guide us in our current state. We have had economic recessions in the past and have also had earth shattering elections. I believe as citizens we should do everything in our power to aid the country. We should not panic, after all it took time for us side into our current state and will take additional time to rebuild.

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